Continuing the Conversation: Mental Health Resources to Support Your Journey

Understanding Mental Health and Wellness

You’ve taken that first brave step to acknowledge you may be struggling with your mental health and want help. Now what? The path forward can feel overwhelming and lonely. But you don’t have to go through this alone. There are many resources out there to offer you support, comfort, and community. This article highlights some of the best resources for continuing care and the mental health conversation and helping you thrive. From free crisis lines to online support groups to self-care apps, these tools can help you better understand your mental health and find what works for you. You have so much wonderful potential and there are always people here to help you achieve it. Stay strong and keep going – you’ve got this!

Finding Support Through Continuing Care

Understanding your mental health and wellness is so important. The first step is recognizing when you may be struggling with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other issues. Common signs include:

– Feeling sad, hopeless, or irritable for weeks at a time

– Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy

– Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

– Changes in sleep, appetite, or energy levels

Once you identify potential issues, explore resources for support. Speaking to a therapist or counselor can help you work through challenging emotions and find coping strategies. Support groups connect you with others facing similar issues so you can share experiences and insights.

Online resources for additional help

There are many free or low-cost resources for mental health and wellness. A few options:

1. Crisis hotlines like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provide confidential support 24/7.

2. Online communities on sites like Reddit, Talkspace, and 7 Cups of Tea offer peer support and counseling.

3. Mental health apps like Headspace, Calm, and Talkspace provide guided meditations, journaling features, and teletherapy options.

Promoting your own wellbeing requires effort but the rewards of better mental and emotional health are well worth it. Remember that every small step you take to prioritize your mental health will help you feel better and enjoy life more fully. You’ve got this! Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Connecting With Mental Health Communities and Resources

Finding mental health support is an important step in your wellness journey. Continuing care through counseling or a support group can help you stay on track. 


Speaking with a therapist or counselor regularly is one of the best ways to maintain your mental health. Even meeting just once a month or every few months can help you process challenges, get advice, and stay accountable.  Look for counselors in your area who specialize in your needs, whether it’s anxiety, depression, trauma, or general life coaching.  Many offer sliding scale fees and online options. 

Support Groups  

Sharing stories and struggles with others who understand can be hugely validating. Search online for mental health support groups in your area for conditions like yours. There are groups for everything from addiction to PTSD to parenting special needs children. Alternatively, look for general emotional or mental health support groups.  Many are free, confidential and led by professionals.  


Schedule regular check-ins with your close ones to stay socially connected. Let family and friends know how they can support you. Even quick calls, texts or coffee dates can help combat isolation and give you an opportunity to share ups and downs. Your true supporters will appreciate you keeping them in the loop. 

Making your mental health a priority and utilizing resources for continuing care and connection will help ensure you stay emotionally healthy for the long run. You’ve got this!